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Sit Your Tired Ass Down and Rest!

Sit Your Tired Ass Down and Rest!

 I've been visiting a 93-year-old woman with dementia who was recently moved to a convalescent home because she can no longer stay by herself. During my visits, she often becomes agitated, shouting...

napOrange Tabby cat lying on gray concrete bench below pink and white flowers.

It's Okay to REST!

Rest can be described as the act of stopping work or movement to relax, rejuvenate, or regain strength. Despite its apparent simplicity, achieving rest can be challenging in our fast-paced world. T...

Lightning Storm over City


Finding space to rest in the middle of chaos takes practice. It’s achieved one moment at a time. Whether through meditation, mindfulness, rest, or simply pausing to breathe, we can cultivate an inn...

Water flowing through a bamboo pipe on to a calm pool with rock cairns.

The 7 types of Rest.

 Sacred Rest Rest is essential for our overall well-being and productivity. However, rest is not limited to just getting a good night's sleep or taking a vacation. According to Dr. Saundr...

Image of 100 dollar bills

The American Dream?

What is the American Dream? Is it the belief that anyone, regardless of where they are born or what class they are born into, can, through sacrifice, risk-taking, and hard work, rather than by chan...

Woman holding sign saying RESIST TOGETHER

Join the Resistance: Reclaim Your Life.

Life after 40 can be a rollercoaster, your hormones are going crazy, careers may feel stuck, and questions about the meaning of life, what your true purpose is, and if is this all there is, are sud...